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Gas Appliance Hook Ups

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From gas fireplaces to new stoves, let's make sure your gas appliance are tip-top!

Though new laws are popping up that are limiting the ability to install new gas appliances in certain new home builds, most homes in our region are still operating via gas. When something wrong occurs with that appliance, you may be at a loss for what to do. We are here to help provide some information regarding your gas appliance maintenance, and installation. In many cases, it is best to leave the work to a plumbing professional, so don't hesitate to reach out. The professional team at Able Plumbing is ready to come lend a hand!

We include great service guarantees on all our work as well.

A close up of a gas burner with blue flames on a black background.

How do you hook up a gas appliance?

 You will also need to seal the pipes and fittings securely and test them for leaks before turning on the gas supply. Finally, you will need to get the installation inspected and approved by a licensed inspector or a gas company representative. If you are not confident or qualified to do it yourself, you should call or request a quote with us today.

A kitchen with white cabinets , stainless steel appliances , a refrigerator , stove , oven and table.

Hooking up a gas appliance is not always a hard task, but it does require some skill, knowledge, and safety precautions. You will need to have the right tools, materials, and permits for the job, as well as follow the instructions and codes for your appliance and gas system. Depending on the type and location of your gas appliance, you may need to use a flexible corrugated connector or a threaded black steel pipe to connect it to the gas line.

How do you convert a wood burning fireplace to a gas fireplace?

Converting a wood burning fireplace to a gas fireplace is a popular home improvement project that can enhance the comfort, convenience, and value of your home. There are different types of gas fireplaces that you can choose from, depending on your budget, preferences, and existing fireplace structure. Read on for some steps to follow if you want to convert your wood burning fireplace to a gas fireplace.

  • First, you need to decide what kind of gas fireplace you want. There are three main options: vented gas logs, ventless gas logs, and gas fireplace inserts. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as cost, efficiency, aesthetics, and safety.
  • Next, you need to check if you have a gas line near your fireplace. If you do, you can connect it to your new gas fireplace with a conversion adapter. If you don’t, you need to hire a licensed plumber or gas fitter to install a new gas line for you. This can add to the cost and complexity of the project, so make sure you get a quote and a permit before proceeding.

  • Then, you need to prepare your existing fireplace for the conversion. This may involve removing the old wood stove, cleaning the chimney, installing a flex liner, and sealing any gaps or cracks. You also need to make sure your fireplace meets the clearance and ventilation requirements for your chosen gas fireplace type. You can consult with a professional fireplace installer or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this step.

  • Finally, you need to install your new gas fireplace and test it for leaks and proper operation. You can either do this yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. You should also read the user manual and follow the safety precautions for your new gas fireplace. Enjoy your cozy and convenient gas fireplace!

Want to let someone else do the job for you? Give the pros at Able Plumbing a call or schedule a service request. We'd love to lend a hand!

A fireplace is sitting in a living room next to a bookshelf.
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