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Water Leaks

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Sometimes it is hard to discover you have a leaking pipe

Signs such as staining in the ceiling or walls are obvious give-a-ways. But sometimes finding a water leak can be a lot trickier than that. Here are some things you can check on to make sure you do not have a serious water leak in your home. If you are noticing any of these things it is time to call the pros at Able Plumbing. We are ready and able to help!

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A close up of water drops on a white surface.

If You Can't See Your Pipes, How Do You Know If You Have A Leak Behind the Wall or Underground?

Water is leaking out of a blue pipe.

It can be a serious problem that can cause water damage, mold growth, and high water bills. There are several ways to detect a leaking pipe, depending on the situation and the tools available. Here are some of the possible methods:

  • Use a wall scanner or a stud finder. These devices can scan the wall and locate pipes, wires, and studs behind it. They can also detect changes in density or moisture that may indicate a leak. You can buy or rent a wall scanner or a stud finder from a hardware store or online.
  • Use a bore scope camera. This is a small camera attached to a flexible wire that can be inserted into a small hole in the wall and provide a live video feed of the inside. You can use this to inspect the pipes and fittings behind the wall and look for signs of leaks, such as corrosion, cracks, or drips. You can buy or rent a bore scope camera from a hardware store or online.
  • Use a stethoscope. This is a simple and low-cost method that can help you locate the sound of water rushing through the pipes. You can turn on the water and listen to the wall with a stethoscope, moving it along the wall until you find the loudest spot. This may indicate the location of the leak.
  • Use the water hammer test. This is a technique that involves shutting off the water flow through a pipe and using sensors to measure how the resulting shock wave propagates. The shock wave can be affected by the presence of leaks, and by analyzing the data, you can estimate the location and size of the leak. This equipment is specialized and something we have at Able Home Services.
  • Look for signs of leaks. Sometimes, you can detect a leak by observing the symptoms, such as damp patches, stains, warping, peeling, mold, or low water pressure on the walls, ceilings, floors, or baseboards. You can also check your water meter and water bill for any unusual changes that may indicate a leak.

Need professional help? We're ready to get your pipes back in order. Touch base with your plumbing professionals at Able Plumbing!

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