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Gas Leaks

You'll Be Glad You Called Us First!

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Don't ever ignore the smell of gas in the home. It could be a matter of life or death.

Gas lines in the home are typically delivering natural gas that will have an odor added to it that smells a bit like rotten egg. The reason for this is so you can have a chance to smell any gas leaks and address them quickly. In many cases, it is best to leave the work on gas lines to a plumbing professional as well. So don't hesitate to reach out. Even if you started a project you feel you want us to finish, we've seen it all before and are ready to lend a helping hand!

We include great service guarantees on all our work as well.

Gas coming from a pipe

Gas leaks need to be taken care of right away! Here is what to do if you smell gas in your home.

Gas lines in a home

If you suspect a gas leak, you should do the following:

  • Evacuate your home or building immediately and leave the doors open. Do not try to locate or stop the leak yourself
  • Avoid using any electrical devices, such as phones, lights, or appliances, that may cause a spark or fire. Do not smoke or light matches or candles
  • Call 911, the local fire department, or the utility company’s emergency line from a safe distance. Do not re-enter the building until they tell you it is safe
  • Seek medical attention if you or anyone else has symptoms of gas exposure, such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, or breathing difficulties. Gas leaks can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be fatal

Gas leaks are serious and potentially dangerous situations that require immediate action. Please follow these steps and stay safe. As soon as you can, contact Able Plumbing to come help out and make your home or business safe from gas leaks.

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